
Thursday, February 22, 2018

Authority, the Clean, and the Connection Between

Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. “I am willing,” he said. “Be clean!” Immediately he was cleansed of his leprosy. 
Matthew 8:3

After His classroom training of the Sermon on the Mount (chapters 5-7), Jesus showed them how to “git ‘er dun” by going out into the field.  This was immediately demonstrated through the exercising of His authority.  “BE CLEAN!” and he was immediately cleansed of what ailed him.  Sounds like a word that was spoken at the beginning of Creation: “LET THERE BE LIGHT!” and there was light.

These are the words of one who quite literally knew what he was talking about.  That’s what happens when you have authority - you know what you’re talking about.  In our case, we know what we’re talking about when He knows us; the more He knows us, the more we know Him and the more we have authority.  Having authority of this kind heals the sick, and it casts out demons.  But there’s something more.

We have authority because He knows us.  And His modus operandi - the very essence of who Hes is - is love.  So when He knows us, we are known by love.  So this authority is communicated through His love.  And it’s love that naturally - reflexively - touches the leprous and the woman the mother with fever.

It shouldn’t be ignored either that, by law, touching unclean things makes us unclean. (Leviticus 7:21)  So by touching the afflicted, He risked becoming clean under the Law.  Indeed, by the Law He began His lifelong saga of of taking on our infirmities and carrying our diseases from the first day.  But surely it was His love that compelled Him - even at the first affectionate touch.

Let His love be your connection between the unclean and walking in authority.  Don’t be a resounding gong without this connection.

- revel8r 2-22-18

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Cumberland Falls, Kentucky - Hearing the Voice in Torrents

The people walking in darkness
    have seen a great light;
on those living in the land of deep darkness
    a light has dawned.
Jeremiah 9:2
There are times in life and living it when the voice of the Father of Lights lands on your heart like a dove in early spring.  Getting through another winter had you grinding it out in the rocky land of Endurance.  Nothing new could ever visit that place, so you set your face like flint and keep moving.

But suddenly you come across something beautiful that you never knew existed before.  And it wakes you out of the stone silent existence into a new day.

If you've never been to Cumberland Falls, it would do your heart good to go.  It's called 'the Niagara Falls if the South'.  While I've never been there, my impression is that Niagara is much, MUCH grander in scale.  Nevertheless, Cumberland Falls is something that dearly stills the tongue.  Its beauty is clear for all to see.

But there's something else about this place.  Something unique and couldn't get lingered in my mind like a seed buried just beneath the surface of my soul... Until this verse in Jeremiah warmed it and coaxed it to life.

The idea that this rainbow reveals itself in darkness is an amazing thought.  It reminds us that when the light shines in darkness it is a hearkening to the fact that it is light that overcomes - not darkness.

Such is the voice of the Lord, that speaks beyond sound or word.

- revel8r 12/18

Majestic Grit

this majestic grit -
that which is bourne
of blood, and flooded
with wisdom and love
to conquer the fate of fools
and delusions of gold

come, then, Thou oceanic fount
drown our destined mortality
surround our futile demise
lay siege upon our castles of sand
for none can stand Thy light
and shadows will flee
the sudden colours of Thy shining wonders

- revel8r 2-18-18

Monday, February 12, 2018

Who are You Looking At?

Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.
Matthew 7:6

Judgment is a loaded word.  Just like a loaded gun, it can be used to wound or it can be used to defend.  But what does this have to do with “pearls before swine”?  Much.  When speaking truth, we run the risk of being perceived as judgmental.  Or we can be received and appreciated for the correction administered.

 “To the pure, all things are pure, but to those who are corrupted and do not believe, nothing is pure.” Titus 1:15  To the dogs and the pigs, all is scraps and dirt - even judgment.
Nevertheless, the context of this quote is regarding the sin of a judgmental heart that besets every human.  Indeed, it is the path of least resistance for the mortal soul.  It’s bourne of a poverty spirit, that prefers to elevate the self by bringing others down.  But the eyes are turned away from the One who truly opens horizons to a magnanimous, expansive heart - the heart of a truly loving Father.  So we can look at Jahweh, or we can look at others.  We can ask of Him, seek Him, find Him.  And He will give and reveal in amazing and fathomless ways.  But here’s the rub: it goes against our natural tendencies to look at everything but Him.  We need a supernatural tendency and to attain this tendency is truly a narrow way indeed.

It’s a narrow way of embracing over judging.  It’s a narrow way of finding His heart over beholding failures.  It’s a narrow way of inviting others into your experience of Him over extolling your own exploits in the kingdom.

Open your heart to give His love access, and you will discover a vast, glorious, undiscovered country.

-- revel8r 2/12/18

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Good Smoke

an oracle lies within my soul
buried, as ancient as a precious gem
tucked secure and sacred
there, within the hem of His robe
yet the ember smoulders sacred, silent
waiting for something to breathe its way

like smoky clouds
drifting in still atmosphere
praying for holy air
come carry me on to somewhere

Yours is the reign i long to know
for Yours is the wind i hunger to blow
free and alive, i want to thrive
set the flame again

-- revel8r, 2/4/18

Vindication - The Fruit of Perseverance

Esther 6:11 So Haman got the robe and the horse. He robed Mordecai, and led him on horseback through the city streets, proclaiming before hi...