Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. “I am willing,” he said. “Be clean!” Immediately he was cleansed of his leprosy.
Matthew 8:3
After His classroom training of the Sermon on the Mount (chapters 5-7), Jesus showed them how to “git ‘er dun” by going out into the field. This was immediately demonstrated through the exercising of His authority. “BE CLEAN!” and he was immediately cleansed of what ailed him. Sounds like a word that was spoken at the beginning of Creation: “LET THERE BE LIGHT!” and there was light.
These are the words of one who quite literally knew what he was talking about. That’s what happens when you have authority - you know what you’re talking about. In our case, we know what we’re talking about when He knows us; the more He knows us, the more we know Him and the more we have authority. Having authority of this kind heals the sick, and it casts out demons. But there’s something more.
We have authority because He knows us. And His modus operandi - the very essence of who Hes is - is love. So when He knows us, we are known by love. So this authority is communicated through His love. And it’s love that naturally - reflexively - touches the leprous and the woman the mother with fever.
It shouldn’t be ignored either that, by law, touching unclean things makes us unclean. (Leviticus 7:21) So by touching the afflicted, He risked becoming clean under the Law. Indeed, by the Law He began His lifelong saga of of taking on our infirmities and carrying our diseases from the first day. But surely it was His love that compelled Him - even at the first affectionate touch.
Let His love be your connection between the unclean and walking in authority. Don’t be a resounding gong without this connection.
- revel8r 2-22-18