Going on from that place, he went into their synagogue
Matthew 12:9
Jesus was just challenged by the Pharisees over his disciples harvesting on the Sabbath. And he answered them handily. But instead of leaving it at that, he made a deliberate action to stick his hand into a nest of bees that were already a-buzz with the act poking the bear of their religious control. Yet it wasn't simply to annoy them for his own entertainment; he intended to send them over the edge for the knew that it was his destiny to die a criminal's death for the sake of humanity's crimes. He had challenged them before - forgiving the sins of a crippled man, speaking as a shepherd of true authority. This time his challenges came in rapid succession - doing "work" on the Sabbath, accusing them of not knowing the Word of Yahweh, exalting Himself as Lord of the Sabbath - and then, instead of leaving them to stew in their anger, He entered into their "turf": their synagogue. And with a final blow of healing a man with a shriveled hand, they began to plot to kill him.
There are times when Jesus does the same thing in our lives - even today. When He has an agenda for us but we choose to remain stagnant, He uses circumstances to steer us into obedience. Clearly the end result won't be nearly as ugly, but His sovereignty remains supreme. It must.