
Sunday, July 5, 2020

Slavery and Reconciliation

[Judas Iscariot] asked, “What are you willing to give me if I deliver him over to you?” So they counted out for him thirty pieces of silver.

Matthew 26:15

Slavery is a wicked thing.  It comes in all forms and is completely colorblind.  It does not discriminate based on gender, race, creed or sexual preference.  It is a soul-thieving demon that has entered this world since the dawn of humanity.  And it still crawls across all lands including the United States.  Most prevalently it runs in sex trafficking, but it doesn't only run in that vein.

Yet regardless of whether slavery manifests itself in chains, locked rooms or physical exploitation, slavery is a common condition to every man.  It's common to us all as we have once been slaves to desire, anger, lust, greed, the bondages of the flesh.

And the One who would set us free from the captivity of our own slavery was bought at the price of a slave (Exodus 21:32).  What does this say of those involved?  That they considered Jesus' value as simply that of a slave according to the law's economy.

Jesus Himself knew that He was bound, even as a slave, to the destiny of reconciling the world to the Father.  Though He knew Himself as God, He did not consider equality with God something to be grasped (Philippians 2:6).  Rather He considered Himself as a slave for the price of humanity's reconciliation to God - so much more valuable to Him than thirty pieces of silver.

At the last Passover meal this side of the Great Wedding, He took the cup and said, “Drink from it, all of you. This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins." He said it as a slave - a slave to the will of God.  A slave to His own desire for the joy of becoming the Bridegroom.

This  was the only time in the history of time itself when slavery had suddenly become precious - not because it was precious in its own rite.  It remained wicked even then.  But became precious, even priceless, because it unleashed freedom over all mankind.  Freedom to walk in the harmony with the ways of God.  Freedom to choose to obey His heart.  Freedom to know the Current Truth instead of the Cesspool of Lies.  Freedom to choose and know true Love.

Jesus' bondage to His own execution was the price of freedom for every soul.  For every soul has been doomed to slavery by the inheritance of Adam's seed since our very conception.

"For the Love of the Lord is a sure foundation.
Yes, the Love of the Lord is a sure foundation.

Don't let this Love go unrequited!
Don't let this Love go unrequited.

So let's paint a masterpiece of worship on the walls of the Heart of God!
Yes, let's paint a masterpiece of worship on the walls of the Heart of God.

And the Kingdom will rain down in torrents, on the earth of this silent planet.
Yes, the Kingdom will rain down in torrents, on the earth of this silent planet."

1 comment:

  1. Wow. You have outdone yourself this time, Chris. If that were even possible. Very beautiful insight that keeps on giving.


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